Response to CanMEDS Framework feedback dialogue

This is a joint statement on behalf of the four partnering organizations involved in the CanMEDS project, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Royal College), Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC), Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ), and College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).

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What is the CanMEDS Framework?

The CanMEDS Framework identifies the competencies physicians require to effectively meet the health care needs of the people they serve. These competencies are grouped thematically to shape physician education and career-long evolution of competence. 

Why and how is the CanMEDS Framework being updated?

The CanMEDS Framework is revised regularly with input from many representative groups. The goal is to ensure that this important resource continues to:

  • align with recent developments in medicine,
  • anticipate and support evolving patient care needs,
  • contribute to the strategic direction of medical education, as well as
  • consider the practical implementation needs of partnering organizations.

In 2021, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Royal College), Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC), Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ), and College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) embarked on the multi-year project to gather broad public opinion to help improve the next iteration of the CanMEDS Framework, expected to be developed by 2025-26. Early input from collaborators indicated that the revisions should consider and explore:

Our commitment to national consultations

The AFMC, CFPC, CMQ and Royal College are committed to considering complex issues as part of the CanMEDS revision. We commissioned commentary from Expert Working Groups on emerging themes identified in the early stages of the project; we respect the contributions of these volunteers. The current Open Call presents a synthesis of issues provided to us and will, along with a multitude of other sources of input, including that received in the Open Call, inform the eventual drafts of a new CanMEDS Framework. Details of the project will be provided in regular updates to the community.

How are we collecting feedback?

The national consultation process to date has been extensive and will continue to be central to the development of the framework over the coming years. Opinions have been sought from Canadian and international experts in their field to guide future framework revisions. Summaries of opinions gathered to date have been made publicly available as discussion papers, shared to solicit further input. While the varied perspectives offered do not necessarily represent the collective opinions of, or decisions made by, the CanMEDS partner organizations, they reflect contributions by our membership and community that will be explored and analyzed through further reflection and discussion.

The Royal College, AFMC, CFPC and CMQ, as well as members of the CanMEDS National Advisory Board, value the perspective of the broad audience for the CanMEDS Framework and are encouraging feedback.  We are still early in this process, where initial consultations will significantly shape the new framework. Therefore, we have developed a synopsis of foundational issues and want to encourage anyone providing feedback to review the breadth of the 15-page document to better understand the work and the context for ideas contained in specific sections.

Current opportunities to provide feedback

The CanMEDS Open Call is currently soliciting meaningful input from a wide and diversified breadth of interested parties to guide the next iteration of the CanMEDS Framework. We recognize the importance of the framework, and through encouraging an open dialogue, we aim to receive broad perspectives, from minor adjustments through to transformative action to guide the next phases of this work.

CanMEDS: A competency framework for physicians throughout their career (

  • Deadline: December 31, 2023
  • Who can participate?
    • The public, patients, and family members of patients
    • Physicians, learners, health care workers
    • Canadian and international participants