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The Royal College’s 2024 Annual Meeting of the Members (AMM) was held virtually on Feb. 21, 2024.
The AMM is an opportunity to provide feedback on the Royal College’s accomplishments from 2023, learn about plans for 2024, and review financial information about the organization. This year’s meeting was very engaging with many thoughtful questions from members throughout the presentations. There were a few questions that, due to time constraints, the presenters did not have a chance to address at the meeting; an individual response will be provided to the members in those cases.
Key agenda items for the 2024 AMM included the delivery of the President’s report by Royal College President Dr. Brian Hodges, as well as financial reporting and a vote on an increase in membership dues to keep up with increases in operational costs.
The majority of members present at the AMM voted against a five per cent increase to the annual membership fee. The fee will not be increased and will remain at $1,060 for April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025. The Royal College will take the guidance of its members and present a revised 2024-2025 budget to Council in June taking into consideration the dues currently in effect.
In addition, members approved the appointment of Deloitte, LLP as the public accountant of the Royal College for the financial year ending March 31, 2025.
Members also approved the continued application of the 2019 five-year exemption granted to the Royal College by Corporations Canada permitting the Royal College to hold its AMM in February of each year, and supported a Royal College application to Corporations Canada to obtain a new five-year exemption. This application will be necessary for the Royal College to continue holding its AMM in February for 2026 and beyond.
Next year’s AMM will be held virtually on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Over the years, the AMM has transitioned from an in-person-only meeting held in Ottawa and other cities in Canada, to a hybrid meeting and, since 2020, to a fully virtual format. As planning begins for future meetings, Council and the Royal College’s Governance Committee will look for opportunities to ensure the meeting is as accessible as possible.
The Royal College would like to thank the attending members for their engagement, feedback and contributions.
If you have questions about the AMM, please contact the Royal College Governance Team at governance@royalcollege.ca.