Your Royal College membership at work

When you think of all the programs and services your Royal College membership supports, what comes to mind? Postgraduate medical education? Accreditation of specialty training programs? Continuing professional development activities? The Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program? Professional development and research grants? If you answered “yes” to any of these items, you would be correct! We continue to work every day in these areas – and more – to be a key partner in your professional growth and in maintaining the high standards of the profession not only for the specialists of today but also for the specialists of tomorrow.

Making improvements to deliver more value

We are working hard to enhance your experience as a member of the Royal College. To help you better understand the direct impact of your support through your membership, here are some of the key areas we are working on to modernize our digital services and enable you to more easily connect with the Royal College.

Throughout the next year, and beyond, you will see several changes:

  • We will realize our promise to deliver enterprise-wide transformation of our digital platforms and services. This digital transformation includes improving the member experience through an improved website and an easily navigable member portal that will serve as your gateway to Royal College services.
  • We will deploy a revitalized Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program, which includes the introduction of a refreshed MOC Framework and a new, simplified credit tracking system to replace MAINPORT.
  • We will introduce a new learning experience platform that will provide you with access to learning opportunities developed by the Royal College. This platform will offer practical tools to support you in transferring and applying your knowledge to your practice scope, stage and setting using approaches like quality improvement (QI) and coaching.

Thank you

We are grateful for the continued trust that you place in us to serve you through your annual membership. Your membership plays a crucial role in the maintenance of excellence in standard setting, accreditation of specialty training programs, examinations, and enabling lifelong learning for members.

We are committed to keeping you informed of our progress to improve your member experience. We value your opinion and invite you to reach out to the Royal College to provide feedback or to learn more about our programs and services by emailing